
The objective of the school  are centered around five basic character builders:

I. To establish CHRISTIAN TRUTH as a guide for life in these essentials:

1. Understanding that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, through which His eternal power and His divine nature are clearly seen by man. (Neh 9:6)

2. Acceptance that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the only authority for faith and practice (II Tim. 3:16, 17)

3. Knowledge that all men are sinners and can have salvation only through personal faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. (Titus 3:5,6)

4. Development (after coming to know Christ) of a consistent Christian life through prayer and daily Bible study. (1Peter 2:2)

5. Desire to invest one’s life in Christian service to the glory of God. (Col. 1:9, 10)


II. To maintain a HIGH ACADEMIC STANDARD through these:

1. Mastery of the skills of communication (writing, reading, speaking) and math so thoroughly that the student will be prepared to acquire further knowledge without hindrance (Col. 3:23

2. Desire to work at maximum ability. (Ecc. 9:10)

3. Ability to discern truth from error (I John 4:6)


III. To instill PURE MORALS in the heart of the student by these:

1. Development of an appreciation for the values accrued from our past spiritual and cultural heritage. (Psalm 61:5)

2. Inculcation of the desire to choose right over wrong and to hold to one’s convictions under pressure. ( Daniel 1:8)


IV. To generate a SPIRIT OF PATRIOTISM by teaching these:

1. Loyalty to our country and a recognition of unscriptual teachings which undermine our country’s foundations. ( Peter 2:13-17)

2. Recognition of government as God-ordained (Rom. 13:1)

3. Need to become involved citizens of this nation for the Lord’s sake. ( Acts 13:36a)


V. To live a DISCIPLINED LIFE by attempting to practice these:

1. Submission to the legitimate authorities with full cooperation and, if directed by God, to become a strong, gracious leader. ( Titus 3:1, Jos. 1:9)

2. Submission to the Holy Spirit who conforms us to the image of  Christ. ( Rom. 8:9, 10)

3. Self-restraint and consideration of others (I Cor. 9:25, 27)