- Mathematics
- Language
- Bible
- Social Studies
- Science
- Health
- Art & Craft
- Music
- Spanish
- Physical Education
The main curriculum guide will be adopted from ABEKA which is a Christian Based Curriculum devised by professional Christian teachers and administrators. The purpose of the curriculum is to help Christian school teachers in Christian schools to present top quality education aimed at the total development-spirit, soul and body.
The aims of this curriculum guide for the Agape Total Life Academy are as follows:
1. To help the child develop a positive self-image by giving him/her the opportunity to succeed and build self-confidence.
2. To encourage the child’s independence, resourcefulness, and competence in coping with the challenges of life.
3. To foster the child’s sensitivity to the needs and rights of others.
4. To help the child develop a sense of community and caring for others.
5. To foster the child’s curiosity and love of learning.
6. To promote learning in a spiritual environment.